Ladies and Gentlemen, Esteemed Participants, and Distinguished Guests,
It is with great honor and excitement that I extend a warm welcome to you all as the Conference Chair of the 11th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics in Suwon, S. Korea. I am Jin H. Choi of KyungHee University, and it is a privilege to stand before you and inaugurate this gathering of remarkable minds dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge in the field of Multibody Dynamics and related.
This conference represents more than just a congregation of experts; it is a testament to the relentless curiosity and commitment that drives us to understand the intricacies of mechanical systems and dynamics. Multibody Dynamics is a fascinating field, one that constantly evolves and challenges our understanding of the physical world. As we embark on this journey together, I am certain that we will explore uncharted territories, discover novel insights, and forge lasting collaborations.
Over the next few days, we have a meticulously crafted program that promises to engage, inspire, and push the boundaries of what we can achieve in our field. Our esteemed speakers, presenters, and panelists will share their expertise, research, and experiences, offering fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the complex challenges we face.
I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to our committee, sponsors, and partners for their unwavering support and dedication in bringing this conference to fruition. Your hard work and commitment to excellence have set the stage for what promises to be a memorable and intellectually enriching event.
In the spirit of unity and discovery, let us make this 11th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics a resounding success, where the collective brilliance of our minds shines forth, illuminating the path to new horizons in Multibody Dynamics.
Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey. I look forward to the intellectual adventures that await us.

Jin Hwan Choi
General Conference Chair of ACMD2024